Hotel Dreamy

where dreams go on vacation

April, 2012 - Ongoing


I've been very interested and excited about dreams lately. Hotel Dreamy is a part of a larger series of installations that will take on different forms, but which will all involve recollections of dreams in one way or another.

I am fascinated by what happens in people's subconscious and I wanted to create a space where dreams - typically totally isolated from each other - can come together and hang-out, in a sense.  Participants can record their dreams using an iOS app, contribute them to the piece and listen to their dreams co-existing with those of all other participants in an evolving musical collage.

The initial life of Hotel Dreamy was as a part of the 2012 Museums and the Web conference in San Diego. The intention was for it to provide a slightly different way for attendees to interact with each other.

Hotel Dreamy has subsequently gone on to be a part of the group show Inglorious Materials at the Charles Bank Gallery in NYC as well as a part of the Deep Listening Institute's Dream Festival 2012. We performed an arrangement of Hotel Dreamy at the 20th Anniversary celebration for ThinkPad at the MODERN @ MOMA in NYC as well.

And most recently, Hotel Dreamy was a part of a group exhibition at the American University Museum in Washington, DC called Brink and Boundary.

Audio Sample

Hotel Dreamy