=== Speedy Page Redirect === Contributors: GeertDD Tags: redirect, redirection, forward, url, 301, 302 Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.6 Stable tag: 0.4.1 Redirect pages and posts to other locations. == Description == This lightweight plugin adds a meta box to your page and post screens. You can enter a new destination URL to which the page will be redirected. = Features = * Choose between permanent (301) and temporary (302) redirects. * Support for custom post types out of the box. * Filters for customizing some settings. * Compatible with WP Multisite. * Fully translatable. Included languages: English, Dutch. == Installation == 1. Upload the `speedy-page-redirect` folder to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 1. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can you create redirects relative to the site's URL? = Yes. In the “Destination URL” field, just start your URL with a forward slash instead of “http://”. The site address, set in Settings > General, will automatically be prepended. = Is it possible to choose which post types Speedy Page Redirect applies to? = Yes. By default “page”, “post” and all public custom post types are taken into account. You can customize this selection via the `gdd_spr_post_types` filter. It should return an array with the applicable post types. Example: `add_filter( 'gdd_spr_post_types', 'gdd_spr_post_types' ); function gdd_spr_post_types( $post_types ) { // Disable redirection for the "book" post type unset( $post_types['book'] ); return $post_types; }` = Is it possible to customize the types of HTTP redirects to choose from? = Yes. By default you can choose from a 301 (permanent) and 302 (temporary) redirect. To customize this list, a filter called `gdd_spr_statuses` is available. It should return an array with the keys corresponding to the HTTP response codes. The array values are descriptions used in the dropdown list. Note: if the statuses list only contains a single entry, the dropdown list is automatically omitted from the meta box. Example: `add_filter( 'gdd_spr_statuses', 'gdd_spr_statuses' ); function gdd_spr_statuses( $statuses ) { // Remove temporary redirection from the list unset( $statuses[302] ); return $statuses; }` == Screenshots == 1. The Speedy Page Redirect meta box == Changelog == = 0.4.1 = * Bugfix: HTML5 "url" input type does not accept "http://" only which was the default value. = 0.4 = * Improved loading of translation files. * Using HTML5 "url" input type for the URL field. * Made HTTP status code immediately visible in the redirection type dropdown. * Applied WP coding standards. = 0.3 = * Uninstalling now removes all plugin data from the database. * Expanded documentation/FAQ. * Hide redirection dropdown list if only a single option is available. * First entry in the statuses list will be used as default redirection type. = 0.2.1 = * Fixed "undefined index" error. * Fixed loading of language file. = 0.2 = * Relative URLs are now supported (start with a slash). * Entering a protocol only is considered empty input. = 0.1 = * Initial release.