=== IMG Mouseover === Contributors: tychay Donate link: http://www.kiva.org/lender/tychay Tags: images, mouseover Requires at least: 2.9 Tested up to: 3.0 Stable tag: trunk Embed a mouseover image into a regular image tag without resorting to hacky inline Javascript. == Description == This allows you to create a simple image mouseover feature by adding properties to an image: It understands the following attributes which can be added to the HTML: * img.class="mouseover" (activates IMG mouseover for this image) * img.oversrc (If specified, this rewrites the image on mouse rollover) * img.clicksrc (If specified, this rewrites the image on mouse click) * img.noresize (If set, this will make the image have the natural dimensions instead of the dimensions of the original image). * a.class="mouseover" (activates A tag as a controller for another image, when clicked a class "selected" is tacked on) * a.for (Should be specified to point to target image. Image must be class mouseover) * a.for_link (If specified the ID of a link is replaced with this one) * a.src (If specified, the click will replace the image with this) * a.oversrc (If specified, the click will replace the image mouse rollover with this) * a.clicksrc (If specified, the click will replace the image mouse click with this) == Installation == ###Installing The Plugin### Extract all files from the ZIP file, making sure to keep the file structure intact, and then upload it to `/wp-content/plugins/`. Then just visit your admin area and activate the plugin. That's it! **See Also:** ["Installing Plugins" article on the WP Codex](http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Installing_Plugins) == ChangeLog == **Version 1.4.1** * Fixed bug where mouseovers broke in version 1.4 when they are placed outside of post_content (for instance, in a widget). Note that these cannot be made HTML5 compliant (currently). (Thanks, FlowerLark for helping me find the bug.) **Version 1.4** * HTML 5 compliant (no need to change your code, but you may need to clear supercache) as per new dataset attributes * Added GPL 2 license to code. * Updated documentation to note testing on WordPress 3.0 **Version 1.3** * TinyMCE (Visual Editor) no longer munges the HTML code **Version 1.2** * Fixed bug that required PHP 5 in order to run. **Version 1.1** * Support for link controllers **Version 1.0** * Initial release