=== Clean-Contact === Contributors: checkfront Stable tag: trunk Tags: contact, e-mail, spam filter, akismet, shortcode Requires at least: 2.5 Tested up to: 3.0 A Clean, no hassle contact form plugin for Wordpress, with advanced Spam bot protection that doesn't require Captcha. == Description == Clean-contact hides itself from spam-bots and optionally will filter messages using Akismet. Capctha and skill testing questions *not required*. The plugin has minimal configuration and can be used out of the box. It is intended to be a simple contact form that is familiar to your users, and doesn't require them to jump through hoops to send you an message. = Features = * A clean and simple contact form that users understand. * Shortcode support. * Spam protection including Akismet filtering. * No clunky Capctha. * Supports multiple recipients and configurable subject and prefix, CC & BCC. * XHTML compliant. * No external javascript libraries required. * Multi-language. * Supports custom styling using CSS. This plugin is licensed under GPL v2.0 and is made available by the Checkfront [Online Reservation System](http://www.checkfront.com/tour/). Clean-contact can be translated using the provided pot file. If you would like to contribute a translation file, please let me know (use the contact address in the translate.txt file). == Installation == * Unzip into your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. If you're uploading it make sure to upload the top-level folder. Don't just upload all the php files and put them in `/wp-content/plugins/`. * Activate the the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress * If you wish to use Akismet filtering, make sure the Akismet plugin that comes with Wordpress is activated and configured with your Wordpress API Key. == Configuration == * Configure the the plugin through the 'Plugins' / 'Clean-Contact' menu in WordPress * Invoked on any page or post via the shortcode: `[clean-contact]` * You can override the settings in the plugin configuration, eg: `[clean-contact: prefix="help" email="test@example.com" thanks="Cheers!" bcc="admin@example.com" thanks_url="/thankyou.html"]` == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I add more options to the e-mail form = For now, keeping things simple, NO. There are lots of good plugins that allow you to do this. Clean-Contact was created to mimic what the user is use to when sending an email. May find a clean way to do this later. == Screenshots == 1. Composing a message 2. Message sent 3. Admin configuration